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November 2023

Jira automations improve your processes and workflows

We'll show you how to create and apply automation in Jira.

To give you an overview, we've listed some of the key benefits of using Jira automations below:

1. Process and workflow optimization

Automation in Jira allows you to reduce or even eliminate manual tasks. This allows your team to focus on the tasks that matter most and make workflows more efficient. Automation promotes process optimization by automatically executing repeatable steps.

2. Teamwork and needs analysis

Ideally, automations are developed together as a team. This provides an opportunity to identify and discuss needs and pain points where Jira automations can come in. Close collaboration fosters teamwork and ensures that automations meet actual requirements.

Internally, for example, we use the following rule throughout the project: When a bug is created → add someone as a watcher. If a new bug or error is created as a ticket in a project, this rule automatically adds a designated team member (in our case, a lead technician) as a watcher. This not only informs them about the bug, but also keeps them up to date on the further processing progress.

3. Save time and increase efficiency

Jira automation is a no-code tool that can be used by you without extensive programming knowledge. This saves you operational time, which you can use more effectively elsewhere. Automation completes repetitive tasks reliably and quickly.

For more efficient release and time management, for example, we have activated the Jira automation instruction: When new version is released → move issues to done . When a release has been carried out, all issues or tickets that have been released are automatically closed or set to "done".

Furthermore, we use the rule that if an issue or ticket remains without an update for several days, a notification is sent to the assignee of the ticket. This automatically asks for feedback on the current status.

What to consider:

It's important to note that it's not always easy to define a rule with all the necessary components that works as intended. The complexity of automations can vary, and it can take time and experience to develop optimal solutions.

Furthermore, different automation rules in Jira can make different senses from project to project. It's important to consider the needs of each project individually and adjust automations accordingly.

New automation rules should be communicated internally by you before they are implemented for transparency reasons. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure your team is aware of the changes.

Continuing to be successful:

To continue to reap the benefits of automation in Jira, your team should:

  • Keep an eye on which new automations are needed and which existing automations need to be modified or extended.
  • Leverage Jira's template library to use proven automation patterns and save time on configuration. Jira Automation Template Library
  • Continuously learn and take full advantage of the power of Jira automation.

Through smart planning, collaboration, and continuous optimization, these benefits can be increased even further. Here's how to do it:

Step-by-step guide to automation in Jira

Step 1: Set clear goals

Clearly define which processes or tasks you want to automate. For example, assigning tickets or updating statuses.

Step 2: Understand Jira's automation features

Explore Jira's automation features, including rules, triggers, and actions. Understand how they work together.

Step 3: Create the right rules

Create rules that perform automatic actions (e.g., assign ticket) based on specific triggers (e.g., when a ticket is created).

Step 4: Test the automations

Run tests to make sure they work as expected.

Step 5: Train the team

Train your team on the automations and how to use the rules if necessary. Make sure that all team members understand how they can benefit from it.

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust

Keep an eye on the automations and adjust them as needed. Make sure they continue to deliver the desired value.

You can find out more at Atlassian. If you have any questions or need support for this process, just contact us.

Keep on learning :)

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